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Supporting awakening, trauma release, embodiment, Divine feminine reconnection, womb healing, stress, anxiety, back and neck pain, migraines, chronic health issues, digestive disorders, injuries, body tensions, aches/pains, depression, feeling lost/stuck/overwhelmed, insomnia, physical and emotional trauma, grief.


I love working holistically, connecting body, mind and soul, finding the root cause and working to help the body find its natural balance again. I work intuitively, listening to the body, following its lead, releasing from the inside out.


Click below to book a session or contact me directly for more availability. I'd love to hear from you. If you have any questions on how sessions may help with your current situation, health or emotional issue don't hesitate to get in touch.

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Cranio Sacral Therapy

Cranio Sacral Therapy is a very gentle yet very deep form of treatment which identifies tensions held in the body. Using a subtle touch and offering a calm, quiet, presence allows the body to engage with its own innate intelligence, to express and release, coming back to a place of balance and optimum health. Cranio sacral therapy helps with a vast array of physical, mental and emotional conditions by raising vitality and facilitating a profoundly transformative healing process.

Cranio Sacral Distant Sessions

A distant craniosacral therapy session works in a very similar way to an in person session and oftentimes goes deeper and works faster. By connecting in with one’s energetic system, it’s possible to work on physical and emotional blockages in much the same way as in person, allowing for release and integration. Clients generally feel surprised with how effective this treatment is and how it can help with trauma, physical pain, stress, anxiety, emotional issues and general body tension. Many clients also use this treatment as a time out to reconnect, relax and recentre, while being held in a safe nurturing space allowing the body to express, unravel and let go.

Both online and in person sessions available.


VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing is a holistic system of energetic healing that channels Divine Energy and Consciousness to transform emotional patterns, heal the physical body and all aspects of the body's energy system including the chakras, energy pathways and energy bodies. VortexHealing® is a very powerful healing art and also assists with awakening to one's true self.

Angelic Heart Healing is a very supportive nurturing energy. The human emotional system responds very strongly to this, facilitating the release of old emotional patterns and helping the remembering of our own Heart. In particular, Angelic Heart creates a bridge from the human emotional system to the angelic realm, and this bridge becomes a kind of ‘invitation’ for the ego to let go of its attachment to emotional drama so it can more fully engage the energy that is being offered. In addition, Angelic Heart bridges into and does some work with the subconscious mind, By working in these ways, Angelic Heart is able to create a broad transformational movement, which is greater than the release of specific conditioning.

Distance sessions available online.


Group Healings

There is something so special and magical about souls coming together, sitting in community, holding space, sharing and opening up to receive healing.


I am very passionate about offering wellness packages to corporate clients. After experiencing first hand the pressures and stresses employees are under on a daily basis, I enjoy sharing simple tools to help realign and centre during times of stress. Let's connect and see how I can help.

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