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Hi I'm Jennifer, thanks for visiting!

Being a highly sensitive intuitive empath and starseed, holding space and healing come very naturally to me.

After leaving the corporate world in 2012, I spent many years living in an ashram in India and touring with Amma (The Hugging Saint) worldwide, learning from her spiritual teachings while also practicing and training in Yoga, VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing, Angelic Heart Healing, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Health Coaching, Meditation and various other forms of bodywork, coaching and healing modalities.

Following my heart's call, I continue to travel intuitively as I am guided, reconnecting with sacred lands, energies and cultures, remembering and reawakening ancient traditions and lineages within, embodying my Divine Feminine energy as I deepen my connection with these sacred energies and ground into Gaia.

My work is very heart based, identifying and clearing patterns/blockages, supporting awakening and promoting physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. I hold a safe space, allowing for expression and release, supporting reconnection and integration of body, mind and soul, finding alignment with one's true essence.

I strive to be of service to You, to Humanity and to our Planet joining with beautiful like minded souls in creating a New Earth. 

I'm excited to connect and see how I can help or how we can co-create.


"I worked in the City in London in jobs at Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley. Since working with Jen I have felt so much more present and in my body. Her humbleness and love makes it easy to transform, you feel so safe to do so, every session is a new transformation. She is such a beautiful soul."

Sarah Clarke, Executive Coach

“Only from the Heart you can touch the sky”


It was quite incredible and now only a few hours later the shift I feel is absolutely enormous. I can't wait to come  back and continue the process with you. I have never experienced such powerful and deep healing and feeling so safe  and in such good and intuitive hands pretty much immediately


You are an amazing healer. I will always remember the first time I received a treatment from you. Your hands, your touch, your clarity and purity. You are gold and you share gold and light


From the bottom of my heart, huge THANK you for all your love and kindness over the last few weeks. It's beautiful to witness what an incredible gifted healer you are with such an innate ability to help others heal. Your huge heart and illuminating light are wondrous and your presence really is a huge gift to all those around you


“The wound is the place where the light enters”


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